News Item

Message from Governing Body Chair, Jonathan Gerber.

Dear King Edward VII School Community

The School Governing body has recently undergone a rigorous process with a view to appointing the new Principal of King Edward VII School. With this in mind I am very happy to announce that we should be in a position to make the announcement on the first day of the Term Three, Monday the 16 July. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Governors, Mr Rolf Hansen & the Department for the critical role that they all played in this process. I am also pleased to say that we had an excellent selection of initial candidates and a very strong final selection to be interviewed.

I know that many sectors of the School are very anxious to hear about the appointment and I am sure that by giving you a date of an announcement that this will allow many of you to enjoy your well deserved leave. Rest assured that we have the best interests of the school at heart and that we have applied our minds during this very challenging process.

Further communication will follow on the 16 July. Thank-you for your understanding and support.

Warm regards

Jonathan Gerber
Governing Body Chairman