KESCO Phoenix Foundation Bursary Appeal!
20 November 2013Our outgoing Head boy Lloyd May, has been the 2013 KESCO (King Edward VII School Community Outreach) representative on the Phoenix Foundation Committee, a body set-up and run solely by the Head Boys/Girls of a selection of Johannesburg schools.
As is the norm, KESCO has partnered with the Phoenix Foundation Committee and the Tomorrow Trust (a NGO that supports the needs of children and youth living in orphaned and/or vulnerable conditions), in order to raise funds to support one 2013, Grade 12 disadvantaged learner with tertiary educational funding for next year.
This Phoenix Committee bursary will allow for one academically excellent learner, from a disadvantaged background/school, to study at a tertiary educational institution in 2014. The sponsorship will include:
• Tertiary fees
• Contribution to textbooks/study material
• Contribution to accommodation
• Support and mentoring assistance
A full biography of the identified student as well as academic and financial reports will be available twice a year to all donors.
The aim is to raise R40 000 towards changing a person’s life. KESCO and Lloyd have managed to collect R28000 thus far. We are therefore looking for funding for the remaining R12 000 to meet target. All contributions and donations are welcome. Should you wish to make a donation or contribution, the banking details are as follows:
Tomorrow Trust
Nedbank Business Northrand
Account Number – 1469153785
Branch Code – 146905
Please reference “Phoenix Bursary KES” in your payment. The relevant tax letters regarding business donations and BEE certification are available on request from the Tomorrow Trust.
The Tomorrow Trust have offered to facilitate the various payments to the tertiary institution and validate the sponsorship on our behalf as they currently facilitate partial and full sponsorship for 132 university-going youth in their own capacity.
For more information on the Tomorrow Trust see website: TOMORROW TRUST
For KESCO related queries, please contact Lloyd May at or Mrs Arlene Mania at