News Item

King Edward Old Boy Johnstone to lead the UCT Trojans!

The Trojans have announced Sean Johnstone as their choice of captain for the 2013 Varsity Cup Young Guns presented by Steinhoff International.
Sean, who hails from Johannesburg and attended King Edward VII School (KES) was the natural choice for Trojans Captain having been Head Boy at KES in 2011.

Sean joined UCT in 2012 and participated in last years Varsity Cup and was part of the inaugural High Performance Programme last year.

“It was the players choice but the coaching staff are more than happy with Sean as Captain. He played for the Trojans last year in the Varsity Cup as well as the League. He plays with his heart on his sleeve and the players respect that” Coach Andrew ‘Gunner’ Hughes said.

Johnstone was not expecting the Captaincy but was more than ready to accept the challenge “I was very surprised to get the position as there are so many good leaders in the squad, but I am very grateful and am ready to embrace the challenges that come with such a responsibility”

Johnstone believes the Trojans class of 2013 has got a good chance in this years Varsity Cup “With the potential in the side and the way we gel together as a team, the possibilities are endless for us in the competition. I love the comradery between the guys, we are all good mates and get on extremely well, and when we are on the field the guys are grafting”.

Joining Sean in the Trojans Squad are two other King Edward VII School Old Boys, Bradley Janse van Rensburg (2012 Headboy) & Zukile Ncube (Class of 2012) Whilst the KES Old Boys have swopped their RED jerseys for the blue & white hoops of UCT, the whole of the King Edward Community and School will be cheering them & wishing them much success in the 2013 season. Well done Sean on the Captaincy-Go Well!

UCT TROJANS: Ncube, Johnstone & Van Rensburg

(By Admin · January 16, 2013 · Filed in Latest News, Trojans, Varsity Cup)