
KES Old Boy Scarra is ABSA Player of the Month!

King Edward VII School Old Boy and Western Province hooker, Siyabonga ‘Scarra’ Ntubeni was named  Absa Currie Cup Player of Month for September. Alongside him, DHL Western Province coach Allister Coetzee was named Coach of...

Tribute to King Edward educator Mr Chris Moffat!

King Edward VII School has lost a legendary teacher in Christopher John Moffat. Mr Moffat taught at King Edward VII from 1984 until 2004 when he took early retirement. Mr Moffat joined King...

KES Old Boy stars on Broadway!

King Edward VII School Old Boy, Conrad Kemp is making strides on the international acting circuit, filming alongside the 'rich and famous'. Fresh after staring alongside Forrest Whitaker in 'Zulu', Conrad recently stared...

KO KID Kevin Lerena claims WBF Title Win!

Congratulations to King Edward VII School Old Boy, Kevin Lerena on claiming the WBF African Champ win on the 21 September at the Heartfelt Arena. The KO KID put the Ghanaian Labaran out in two...

KES Old Boy publishes first fantasy action-adventure novel!

King Edward VII School Old Boy, Adam Rabinowitz (Class of 1984), has published his first novel, called,“Lost Soul” is a fantasy action-adventure story. Adam tells how this story transpired, " this adventure was born out...

KES Old Boy named UJ Rugby Player of Year!

Congratulations to King Edward VII School Old Boy & 2012 REDS player, Malcolm Marx on being awarded u19 UJ RUGBY PLAYER OF THE YEAR. This the third King Edward Old Boy to receive...

King Edward Old Boy publishes 2nd Poetry Book!

K.E.P.S and KES Old Boy Paul Shapshak has released his second book of poetry. SELECTED POETRY, Book II, VARIATIONS ON THEMES (with a few poems restrung from Book I) is a book of poetry...