King Edward Old Boy in SA fight back to lead at Leopards Trophy!
March 2013King Edward VII School Old Boy, Callum Mowat (2010) is part of the the South African team that launched a spirited comeback in their afternoon singles to edge to a three point lead...
Kevin Lerena the ‘KO-KID’ visits his Alma Mater!
February 2013King Edward VII School Old Boy and current 2013 boxing sensation, Kevin Lerena surprised staff at King Edward with a visit! Kevin took time out to chat to staff and some of the...
King Edward Old Boy selected to WP u21 Hockey Team!
February 2013Congratulations to King Edward VII School Old Boy and 2012 1st XI Captain, Daniel Bell, on his selection to the WP u21A Team for 2013. Well done Daniel and all the best for...
Congratulations Old Boys on selection to SA Men’s Hockey Teams!
February 2013The names of the 18 players selected to represent South Africa for the World League Round 2 men’s hockey tournament scheduled for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from February 27 to March 5 was...
2012 Matriculants scoop Top Awards at District Awards Ceremony!
February 2013The Class of 2012 Matriculants showed hard work, dedication and commitment do pay off, when some of our Top Achievers scooped many of the Top Awards at the District Awards Ceremony this month....
Famous Old Boys Dr Bacher & Bryan Habana at KES!
January 2013King Edward VII School was a-buzz on the 31 January, when two famous and legends in their own rights returned to their alma mater and addressed the school in a very special assembly....
King Edward Old Boy making strides in SA political arena!
January 2013King Edward VII School Old Boy Zak Mbhele (Class of 2002) is making strides in South Africa's political arena. Zak currently holds the post of spokesperson in the Western Cape Premier's Office! As spokesperson/media...
King Edward Old Boy ‘sharing the spirit’ in Belgium Exchange!
January 2013King Edward VII School Old Boy, Bevan Leedham (Class of 2012) has started his exchange programme in blistering cold temperatures. Bevan arrived in Belgium on the 12th of January for his year as a...
King Edward mourns the loss of a legendary Geography teacher & coach!
January 2013RIP - a legendary Geography teacher and cricket, long and triple jump coach, Rex Redpath McCulloch will be remembered by all and dearly missed by the Headmaster, staff and boys King Edward VII School. ...
King Edward Old Boy Johnstone to lead the UCT Trojans!
January 2013The Trojans have announced Sean Johnstone as their choice of captain for the 2013 Varsity Cup Young Guns presented by Steinhoff International. Sean, who hails from Johannesburg and attended King Edward VII School...
King Edward’s KO Kid Kevin Lerena making his mark!
January 2013King Edward VII School Old Boy, Kevin Lerena (Class of 2010) is making a huge impact on the boxing scene. Fondly known as the 'KO KID' this cruiser-weight prospect Kevin Lerena loves his...
Captain Smith & Proteas crush NZ & stay No 1 Team!
January 2013King Edward VII School Old Boy, Captain Graeme Smith led his charges to another crushing win over New Zealand and in the process sealing the Sunfoil Test Series 2-0. South Africa thumped the visitors...