Old Boy Catch Up: Keane Quigley
13 February 2019Keane Quigley matriculated last year with 9 distinctions, a 91% average and was recently awarded the 2nd position in the Johannesburg East District in the 2018 award ceremony.
We caught up with Keane recently to find out how things are going and what his plans are for his very bright future:
What have you been up to since you matriculated?
“Since matriculating I have continued with German language lessons and am aiming to finish the Kumon Maths programme which I have been doing since 2006. I am also spending time on online programming courses to make university slightly easier for myself and I have also begun to train gymnastics again.”
What have you decided to do this year?
“Later this year, in March, I will be going to Munich, Germany to do an intensive German language course for the entire month. This is to immerse myself as much as I can in the language and hopefully become fluent by the end of the month. I also plan to begin learning another language (Spanish or Russian) and perhaps do a similar course as with the German. I will also be tutoring in my free time. Thereafter I will begin university in September, either at Imperial College London or The University of Edinburgh where I will study theoretical physics.”
Any advice for the current Grade 12’s?
“My one key bit of advice for not only the Grade 12’s but also all learners would be the cliché to always listen in class. For me, it made it much easier when it came time to studying because I already had a good understanding of the work that was taught. It gave me more time to go over things that I didn’t understand which, particularly for matric, prevented a lot of stress.”
What would you have done differently in your matric year?
“Honestly, I don’t think I would change anything about my matric year. It was definitely my favourite year at KES and nothing could have made it much better.”
What do you miss most about KES?
“I will certainly miss KES. However I will mostly miss the people with whom I spent my five years. I will always remember the moments that made me smile and the people who made my high school career enjoyable.”
Good luck Keane! We look forward to watching your future unfold!