News Item

Red Army – An Appeal to help Old Boy, Kelvin van Baalen

Former KES Boy, Kelvin van Baalen, Class of 2015, Involved In Tragic Accident.

About Kelvin van Baalen – A Young Adventurer

Kelvin van Baalen, former KES Boy, brother to Tyrin van Baalen, (pictured below, currently in Grade 12 at King Edward) was recently involved in a most tragic accident.

On the 29th June 2018, he, was paragliding in a competition in Barberton, one of many competitions he has participated in. This was the one that was going to change his life forever, his last flight. He was coming in to land, saw the power lines at the very last minute, turned his wing too hard and landed up spinning straight into the lines. He felt a power surge and was knocked unconscious. He awoke to find himself engulfed in flames! His incredible will to live kicked in, he rolled around on the grass to put the flames out and climbed a tree to escape the veld fire. This is where his father, Douglas Van Baalen, found him, naked, burnt, traumatised, and in shock- clinging to a branch! Gone are the carefree days of his youth, and in its place, unimaginable pain, suffering and heartache! He now faces a long, horrifying ordeal to come back to his family, to conquer again and continue to live the life he was born to live!

The Road Kelvin Has Come

Kelvin was admitted to the Milpark Hospital, renowned for its exceptional burns unit – in a critical condition with 62% full body burn. He had a collapsed lung, failing kidneys, was severely dehydrated and hanging onto life by a thread. Plastic surgeons were called in immediately as Kel required extensive debridement’s before the multiple skin grafts could begin. The amazing team of physicians, trauma surgeons and specialists have worked tirelessly for 8 weeks now to save this amazing child’s life. He is battling with sepsis, multiple infections and currently, pneumonia and will be kept in ICU lockdown for months to come. He is awake after a month long coma, weak but fighting- fighting to live, fighting to come home, fighting to talk again and fighting to make sense of what happened to him.

The Road Ahead

This brave 21 year old, who once had a full, exciting life ahead of him, now faces years of grafts, reconstructive surgeries, rehabilitation and psychological therapy. He is afraid of the dark, afraid to be left alone, afraid of the pain and afraid that he may still lose his left leg. He holds ice packs constantly as he is convinced his body is burning and will need to wear a pressure suit for at least 18 months to keep his wounds soft and aid healing.

How You Can Help

Kelvin’s story speaks to some of our darkest fears. Every time one engages in an adventure activity we trust that the worst will not happen to us. Kelvin is grappling with the reality that it happened to him. Nobody can explain why bad things happen to good people – the only truth is that nobody is immortal, nor immune to accidents.

Kelvin has a long road ahead in terms of physical and mental recovery. He will need ongoing care and measures that will help him adjust to his new normal. To this end, his parents have set up a trust and bank account through which they invite people to assist in easing the financial burden. Once Kelvin is discharged from ICU, Medical Aid will provide no more funds, and donations are therefore required to cover the following costs:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Skin grafts
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Years of reconstructive surgeries
  • Compression suit
  • Pain medication

Kelvin also needs emotional support so that he is not overcome by the pain, the isolation, the unanswered questions and the many fears for his future. His fellow sportsmen, particularly those who have lived through hardship and come out the other side have much to offer and are encouraged to reach out to Kelvin and his family.


Account Name:                    Kelvin’s Rehabilitation Fund
Bank:                                      FNB Ltd, Norwood
Account No:                         6277 6317 375
Branch Code:                        250 655


Red Army, if you can assist in any way please make contact with the family. Thank you.
