News Item

Reunion November Weekend Welcome Home Classes of ’47,’57, ’67 and ’77!

Red Reunions: Classes of 1947, 1957, 1967 & 1977

Special Reunion Weekend starts as we welcome home the Old Boys from the Classes of 1947, 1957, 1967 and 1977.

At the Assembly Head Boy Class of 1967 Professor Ken Huddle addressed the School and gave wise words and wisdom on role models. Encouraged the boys to aspire and continue to nurture and grow attributes fitting to a role model such as integrity, high standards, concern & care and most importantly be an inspirational role model.

Then Head Boy Class of 1977 Mike Weibel addressed the School and spoke fondly of his special memories and bonds made at King Edward. He encouraged the boys to be good stewards of KES, in their lives and to be passionate about they conduct themselves at all times.

True Edwardians – we are grateful for your support of your alma mater.

Have a wonderful reunion weekend.

We are RED! Go School.